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A 4-Person game project about a maintenance robot discovering his purpose. Made using Unity, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Overview: Meet the Electrical Distribution Gyro Assisted Robot, or E.D.G.A.R for short, as he embarks on a journey to restore power to the generator following a city-wide blackout. Follow in E.D.G.A.R's footsteps as he traverses behind the scenes of the city underground, replacing the burnt-out fuses and discovering his one true purpose. 

Duration: 15 Weeks

My Role: Producer, UI Designer, Mechanics Prototyping, Playtest liaison, and game polish.

No. of people: 4 members

Producer Responsibilities: 


  • As a producer, I was in charge of hosting meetings and maintaining communications between the design and art team, while ensuring the project is within the scope of the timeframe given.

  • I was also responsible for maintaining the overall morale of the team and checking up on everyone's task are done.

  • Collating the work into a document for reference.

Designer Responsibilities: 


  • As a designer, I did the prototyping for the gameplay mechanics and interactable objects in the game. I was also responsible for the final iterations and bug fixing.

  • As for the UI, I designed and planned for the layout and use cases, and conveyed my ideas to the art team for the necessary assets to represent it clearly in-game. Any added effects and polish were made by me using the Unity engine's particle effects system and animation timeline.

  • Together with the design team, we conducted playtests to ensure the user experience was as seamless for the users, and rectifying any issues player has faced during the session.

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